REAPER Shortcuts

Change shortcuts in REAPER

Shorcuts are very important things when you use software. They help to improve and speed up work.
Some shortcuts are standard shortcuts, like New, Open, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select all,...

Shortcuts in REAPER can control all functions (almost...), and all can be configured.
You can use initial shortcut of REAPER but...

- Someone who works with only audio doesn't work like someone who works with only MIDI.

- Someone who works with audio recording doesn't work like someone who works with audio loop samples.

- A left-handed person may not work like a right-handed person...

Here I tell you where you can changed shortcuts, and what shortcuts I use, and why.

To change shortcuts :


In Action window, search an expression like "play" with "Filter" to find an actions.

At the bottom of the window, you can Add or Delete shortcuts.

To find an existing shortcut, click on "Find shortcut..." button and type press your key.

Actions window in REAPER

My shortcuts...

Just few personnal shortcuts, not Reaper default shortcuts...

There are shortcuts for french AZERTY keyboard... perhaps you must change them for your keyboard.

These shortcuts have been chosen for my use, for "Items" navigation and move, "MIDI Editor" functions,...

ShortcutAction descriptionIDType
SpaceTransport: Play/stop40044Transport
HomeTransport: Go to start of project40042Transport
RightMove edit cursor forward one beat41044Transport
LeftMove edit cursor back one beat41045Transport
Alt + RightMove edit cursor forward one measure41042Transport
Alt + LeftMove edit cursor back one measure41043Transport
NUM /Item: Split items at edit or play cursor40012Items
NUM 0Item properties: Toggle show media item/take properties41589Items
NUM 5Item properties: Pitch item up one semitone40204Items
NUM 2Item properties: Pitch item down one semitone40205Items
Alt + NUM 5Item properties: Pitch item up one octave40515Items
Alt + NUM 2Item properties: Pitch item down one octave40516Items
Ctrl + Alt + NUM 5Item properties: Pitch item up one cent40206Items
Ctrl + Alt + NUM 2Item properties: Pitch item down one cent40207Items
F10Media explorer: Show/hide media explorer50124Media
=Item: Render items to new take41999Items
Page UpTrack: Go to previous track40286Tracks
Page DownTrack: Go to next track40285Tracks
last update : 08/10/2023
d r . m i d i k @ d r - m i d i k . f r